It is 7:00 am on Monday. Your throat hurts, and you have a bad cough and severe body ache. You are unable to leave the warmth of your bed. But you have kids who need to be dropped for school, and you have an important presentation at work that can’t be delayed— so you have no time to waste sitting in the waiting room of the urgent care center. Luckily you work for a company that acknowledges the employee’s health-worth and provides a health package including a telemedicine program. You make an appointment with a doctor, and in a few minutes, you are getting examined and diagnosed from the comfort of your home. You save time and money and relieve your stress after speaking with the physician.

Research has proved that the patients who access healthcare through telemedicine show lower rates of stress and anxiety than those who go for in-person visits. These patients show 38% lesser hospital admissions.

Here are 7 great benefits of telemedicine.com for the employees:


Medical costs are rising each year, making it even more difficult for employers to provide health benefits to their employees. Some employers implemented consumer-driven healthcare plans (CDHPs), which increased out-of-pocket medical expenses for the plan participants. This made both the employers and employees find ways to cut back on overhead costs. Finally, they found telemedicine as the best solution to fight back the increase in medical expenses. Telemedicine reduces the co-pays for employees and cuts down the claim costs of the employer’s healthcare plan. A research study carried on 17000 telemedicine participants concluded that the hospital admissions of those employees dropped by 30%, and their doctor visits reduced by 60%. They also saved 45% of their costs routinely wasted on unnecessary doctor and emergency room visits.

Telemedicine has been reported to reduce healthcare costs by up to 27% on average. Telemedicine aids in saving transportation costs, expensive office visit fees, emergency room specialist charges, and other facility charges. Employees often lose revenue when they cannot show up to an office visit due to car problems, traffic jams, work obligations, the responsibility of caring for children or older adults, or some other reasons. Telemedicine has largely helped employees curb missed appointments. It has helped rural workers save approximately 3,431$ in lost wages and 5,718$ in transportation costs each year.

The American Journal of Emergency Medicine researched telemedicine and concluded that the net cost savings per visit ranged from 19$-121$.

The employers align incentives for selecting the best telemedicine solution so that the benefit drives a positive return on investment. Telemedicine helps small businesses outgrow by saving crucial costs across the board, reducing outgoing costs, and preventing valuable resources. It offers the best price and best deal on telemedicine and behavioral health benefits to employees by offering non-pareil services at extremely low rates.


The employee is charged for no consultation or deductible fee in the best price telemedicine offer and no co-pay. All he has to pay is one low fee of $13.50 to get registered fora monthly subscription.

Note: The employee might be charged for the prescription. Any pharmacy or RX card can be used to fill the prescription.


The employees get up to 7 additional family members covered for just $13.50 per month in the best deal telemedicine offer.

It can’t be much more affordable than that.


Telemedicine allows employees to consult with the best doctors, who can not be accessed routinely for months. The employees can access remote physicians and specialists at their home, work, or on vacation and can get unsurpassed and immediate healthcare in no time. This helps in the employee’s early recovery, followed by lower incidents of re-hospitalization and emergency room visits.

Telemedicine allows employees who travel a lot, such as sales professionals or truckers, to access treatment regardless of location. Also, employees living in rural areas can get extraordinary care in their homes.

Telemedicine also allows for better management of chronic diseases. Employers or their family members who suffer from chronic conditions are often unable to visit their doctor regularly. Such patients are more likely to get infected by contagious diseases in hospitals. Telemedicine technology allows you to monitor weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels at home and transmit them to the doctor’s office.

24-7 Telemedicine services offer 24/7/365 phone or video consultations with specialist doctors, who can consult, diagnose, and prescribe medications for common and non-emergency illnesses. An employee can easily take time out of their day and make consultations on a mobile phone, tablet, landline, or computer and get the required immediate care. They discuss their medical history with specialists, who inquire and hear their ailments by themselves rather than waiting for any information from the nurse or doctor. This helps the specialist make a better diagnosis and provide individualized treatment.

Telemedicine.com also allows access to both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking doctors for their patients’ convenience and uncompromised care provision.


In this havoc-wreaking outbreak of coronavirus, many employees are juggling health concerns and mounting anxiety alongside their jobs and families, which has left them at grave risk for loneliness, stress, burnout, and depression. In this pandemic, more than half of Americans are getting their health benefits through their place of work.

Telemedicine has lent a helping hand in protecting employees from both contracting and spreading the disease. The employees having symptoms of the disease, can stay at their homes, get an appropriate diagnosis, and medical care through telemedicine, and are expected to show earlier recovery than if admitted at the hospital as he/she gets the proper care and support of loved ones. Those who are asymptomatic can make a consultation via telemedicine and stay safe from contracting the disease or germs of any other contagious disease from other patients in the hospital.


When an employee is sick, all he wants to do is take leave from work, rest for hours, or visit a doctor immediately. Long absences from work might result in loss of income, low productivity, and missed deadlines that could cause the company great loss.

Telemedicine offers virtual healthcare to employees. They can access the services from their homes, at work, or even on vacations. They don’t need to take off hours from their work to visit the doctor’s office; instead, they can make a convenient call to telemedicine.com and get prompt care, as required.

If an employer provides health benefits to employees, he is actually boosting his company’s productivity. The healthier the employees, the better the workplace productivity. When an employer offers telemedicine benefits to employees, he must expect them to save 700 hours per year that otherwise might be wasted visiting the doctor’s office, in ER visits, or waiting in the waiting rooms for appointments.

With access to telemedicine, employees and their families get the required care and support quickly and easily. The less time it takes employees to find the remedy, the faster they can return to the workplace. Employees stay productive and engaged when they do not have health issues.


Telemedicine can provide physical care to employees and alleviate their anxiety, stress, and paranoia that they are already experiencing. Employers can show their employees how important their health is by providing telemedicine as a part of their health benefits. Employees don’t need to leave work for getting examined; backlogs are not created, timely diagnosis and treatment expedite recovery that makes the employee feel a sense of care from their employer. This also helps the employees in cutting down their out-of-pocket costs. Thus, the employees stay relieved from their stress related to health and increase their company’s productivity.

The best deal and best price telemedicine benefits of telemedicine.com have made the employees heave a sigh of relief by cutting down the extra costs on their medical expenses. Research has proved that healthier employees have increased job satisfaction, which is a foremost factor for retaining employees. The happier the employees are with their benefits; the more likely are they to rate their company a great workplace.


It needs to be accepted that mental illness, like any other chronic illness, becomes debilitating if left unaddressed. If we ignore the symptoms, it might lead to self-destructive behavior, and ultimately a downturn in workplace productivity.

A report from Mind Share Partners stated that 80% of workers with behavioral health problems said they don’t seek treatment because of shame and stigma. Telemedicine allows employees to contact behavioral health specialists from their own homes comfort with no privacy issues. WHO estimates that every 1$ invested in treating mental health will return $$ in productivity and improved health.

Telemedicine.com offers promising avenues for treating mental illness. It allows greater accessibility, regular follow-ups, and a multidisciplinary approach while protecting patients’ privacy.


Telemedicine improves employees’ ability to achieve work-life balance. Employees can seek healthcare in their off-hours or while traveling. They are not bound to any specific time or region for accessing telemedicine services. Thus, they can achieve a great work-life balance by designing their own schedules according to their convenience.

by bkwatson; Access a Doctor, Blog, Family, MyTelemedicine, Nationwide access, Pediatrician, Prescription, Senior Living, TELEPHONIC COUNSELING

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Tom Tuohy is the founder and CEO of Comprehensive Benefits of America, LLC, and Tuohy Law Offices.

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