Health Care costs continue to rise and medical-related debt has become the leading cause of bankruptcy. Of those who had trouble paying their medical bills, 73% skimped on groceries, clothing or rent. Sixty percent used up their savings. More than 40% took on extra work to pay the bills. 25% cut back on prescription, with 30% postponing critical follow-up care, leading to further health problems.
Rising health care costs forced 34% to rack up high-interest credit card debt. Fifteen percent took out other loans, while 13% borrowed from a payday lender.
CBA is committed to helping you successfully manage your health care needs.
My TeleMedicine
Over 2,300 doctors are available to you and your family 24/7/365! In this exclusive Plan program, you and your family can have access to a national network of U.S. Board Certified doctors waiting to help at any time!